Wednesday 2 April 2014

Get Ready for Summer (The Dream Body)

● I know everyone has problems when it comes to their body. Especially during the summer when we want to look the best at the beach for example. There was a time when I had some extra pounds and I didn't care at that time. I used to eat whatever I wanted, anytime, anywhere without thinking how my diet affects the body. I don't know how it happened but it came the day I said "STOP!". I realized that I can't continue like this and that I have to take care of my body from all points of view.
● So I started a healthy diet, I went to the gym and slowly began to see the results. It was a tough time. No one said it's easy, but if you have ambition, determination and you really wish to make your dream come true, nothing is impossible. 
● My diet consists of several salads, water, teas and fresh juices. In the morning I eat dairy, seeds, cereals and fruits and for lunch I eat baked or grilled lean meat or fish with green vegetables. I never eat after 6 PM! Working out is very important for a toned and harmonious body. I work out every morning when I wake up and every evening. Just simple toning exercises.
● Sometimes you can treat yourself with your favourite dessert or anything you really like, but make it sure you don't exceed.

Now I'm a happy skinny bitch!

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